Share Your Passion

Donate to our Share Your Passion Fund and pass on your love of theatre today.

A core part of Sherman Theatre’s mission is to ensure everyone has the opportunity to be enriched by theatre.

Your Share Your Passion donation will directly support the vital work that we do to maintain affordable access across our audience engagement and participation programmes.

  • Over 2,000 people access Made at Sherman productions through our Pay What You Want pricing each year.
  • Last year our Creative Engagement team worked with 1,823 children and young people from across south Wales, and over 1,000 people actively engaged with our community projects.
  • We offer free or reduced-rate tickets for schools, giving them the opportunity to come and watch shows throughout the year, enabling those children who might otherwise never go to the theatre the chance to do so with their friends.
  • Each year we invite those in our community who may benefit most to a free performance of our Main House Christmas show.
  • We have supported opportunities for people to spend and earn Tempo Time Credits at the Sherman since 2014.
  • As a Theatre of Sanctuary, we offer free tickets to all Refugee and Asylum Seekers.

Find out more about the impact of your donation by downloading our Further Information pack.

You can donate to our Share Your Passion Fund now via the button on the right.


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