Following our investigation please see our statement below regarding the incorrect sending of Adopt A Seat emails on 21 October 2022.
Customer emails and data records are held by Sherman Theatre on our customer database for one of the following reasons: marketing and fundraising, customer service for customers who have booked a ticket or creative engagement scheme in the past and for communicating with Sherman 5 members and colleagues in the theatre sector.
On Friday 21 October we were testing sending scheduled thank you emails to customers who have taken up our Adopt A Seat scheme. During the testing a human error meant that our customer database was emailed incorrectly with this test customer service email. We completely understand the confusion caused and apologise for any inconvenience. We sent out an explanatory email to everyone involved within 43 minutes.
We would like to reassure anyone who received this email that there was no data breach, and our database was not compromised, no data lost, disclosed or altered.
As a registered charity we take this issue very seriously and are reviewing our systems to ensure this kind of error does not happen again.
Should you wish to request permanent erasure of your record or have a query please email
Thank you for your understanding.